With the monthly Les Marmitons events winding up with the barbecue last night, my partner and I have decided to give the Whole 30 eating plan a whirl.  People rave about how great they feel after doing the 30 day program and as long as I can eat meat, I think I can do it.

Today was our first day of doing Whole 30  and we decided to try spaghetti squash as it is allowed on the plan and neither of us has ever tried it.  We both have heard people talking about it in the past, but just never go the chance to eat it.  Now is as good a time as ever, right?

We started by spreading avocado oil on the two halves along with some kosher salt and pepper then we baked them in the oven at 375F for 40 minutes.

We made turkey meatballs in the Actifry and added some tomato sauce to liven things up.

Our meal turned out pretty good!  We both loved the spaghetti squash but found that the parts that touched the pan during cooking were tastier and had just a tad less crunch to them.  The caramelized pieces were delicious.

 Next time, we will cut the squash into round patties about an inch thick. This should result in more of the tasty stuff and longer strands.  Here is the finished product.

If this is how all of the meals that are Whole 30 compliant turn out, I think I could handle this as a lifestyle and if I get healthier because of it, then all is good.

