Chef Diana Cline from Diana's Cucina will be leading this month's event which will be held at Diana’s Cucina and Lounge located at 730 St. Anne’s Road.
Diana Cline is a five-time Canadian Pizza champion, internationally recognized master pizza chef, judge, author of the "Passionate About Pizza" cookbook, and has over 23 years of experience in the pizza industry.
Currently, she is a partner in Diana's Cucina & Lounge in Winnipeg, Manitoba
The theme of this event is Pizza.
DIana started the evening off by showing us how she makes her signature Moosehead Beer pizza dough. Then she demonstrated pizza making techniques and set us free on the topping bar! We all learned an amazing amount about pizza making.
Diana's commitment to making an exemplary product was obvious in everything from the cleanliness of her kitchen to the quality of the ingredients she uses.